286 8th Avenue (bet. 24th & 25th) New York, NY 10001
Date Dined: Frequently
Rating: 8.5
Like a good New Yorker, I love bagels. They are the perfect bread because most of the bagel is crust which is the best part of any bread – obviously.
One morning I was with a friend who asked me if I had ever had Brooklyn Bagel. He was shocked to find that I had not. As a huge Ess-a-Bagel fan I thought that I had already found the best of the best. I thought that I could stop my search and forever be content. But I had not yet had Brooklyn Bagel.
A Brooklyn bagel comes in 2 sizes – regular and “mini”. The so called “mini” is just about as big as any other bagel and the regular is like a small loaf of bread. I am not sure who can consume that much for breakfast but I admire those who can. I stick to the mini.
I ordered what I always order – an everything bagel with lox and scallion cream cheese. The bagel blew me away. It was so crisp on the outside and soft and warm on the inside. Filled with the right amount of cream cheese and lox that had the right balance of oiliness and saltiness. Brooklyn Bagel quickly surpassed all other bagels in my book and makes the top of my list.
On a sunny day, grab a bagel and coffee and enjoy it while taking a stroll on the high line. I guarantee you will enjoy it.
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